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Plan del Centro Regional del Área de Stone Oak
Develop a one-stop housing shop
Support & grow non-profit housing providers
Establish a land banking program to acquire land for future affordable housing projects
Establish a community land trust
Establish multi-family rental rehab program
Improve the multi-family new construction program
Increase number of Accessory Dwelling Units through a system wide approach
Leverage the vacant building program for affordable housing
Produce 1,000 permanent supportive housing units
Expand funding for extremely low income homes
Establish a Housing Preservation Network
Implement sustainable and health principles in affordable housing design and programs
Establish a Demolition Prevention and Mitigation Program
Develop a toolkit to identify targeted housing interventions for specific areas
Establish stabilizing measures for mobile living communities and expand ownership opportunities through multi-family conversions
System-wide eviction & foreclosure prevention
Expand land title remediation program
Implement Public Information Campaigns on housing
Develop and implement a displacement impact assessment
Use holistic financial counseling as a foundation & at the center of service provision
Apply public engagement principles when creating & implementing new policy
Strategic Housing Implementation Plan (SHIP) Public Sign Ups
Update the Unified Development Code to remove housing barriers
Advocate for ad valorem tax for affordable housing developments
Advocate to expand Medicaid in Texas
Advocate for more Housing Choice Vouchers
Create incentives for infill development
Establish & promote house-sharing platforms for single-family homes
Explore options to reduce tax burden for homeowners
Conduct a county-wide housing analysis
Stop public support of market rate development that displaces residents
Include support service in affordable housing projects receiving public funding
Preserve single-family housing by increasing funding for preservation and rehabilitation programs
Advance universal design & visitability standards in housing
Support homeownership for families by improving relationships with code compliance and increasing funds for repair programs
Develop an appropriate plan to engage with and leverage existing stakeholders in a meaningful way
Short Term Rentals
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This is hidden text that lets us know when google translate runs.