
 The City of San Antonio offers convenient and affordable parking at its parking garages and lots. The St. Mary’s Garage (205 E. Travis St.) and the City Tower Garage (60 N. Flores St.) are located just steps from the River Walk, Houston Street and Travis Park, and they generally have many public parking spaces available.

  • A map showing a full list of City-owned garages and lots can be found on the City’s SAPark website.

  • Downtown Tuesday offers free parking at city-operated parking garages, parking lots and parking meters every Tuesday evening from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. (Some exclusions may apply.) 

  • City Tower Sundays offers free parking on Sundays from 7 a.m. to midnight in the City Tower Garage (60 N. Flores St.)

  • Event parking rates (up to $15 at City parking facilities) may be in effect at some parking facilities during busy event weekends. 



Downtown San Antonio Parking Map