2017-2022 Bond Project: Zona Cultural Streets (Commerce / San Saba / Santa Rosa)
2017-2022 Bond Project: Zona Cultural Streets (Commerce / San Saba / Santa Rosa)
This Bond Project will reconstruct Commerce Street (Frio Street to Santa Rosa Street), San Saba Street (Nueva Street to Martin Street), and Santa Rosa Street (César E. Chávez Boulevard to Martin Street) to include pedestrian amenities and streetscape improvements as appropriate and within available funding.
Project Type: Streets, Bridges & Sidewalks
Phase: Construction
Project Contact: Joey Doctor, (210) 207-8415
Estimated Timeline Construction Seasons are identified as: Winter (January, February, March), Spring (April, May, June), Summer (July, August, September), and Fall (October, November, December.)
Project Notes:
Contractor (Sundt Construction) continues reconstruction work on the Zona Cultural Streets project. The project consists of three 2017 Bond Projects, including Commerce Street (Frio Street to Santa Rosa Street), San Saba Street (Nueva Street to Martin Street) and Santa Rosa Street (Cesar Chavez Boulevard to Martin Street). The Project consists of utility upgrades, roadway reconstruction, traffic and pedestrian signal upgrades, new street lighting, sidewalk widening along with streetscape and landscape improvements, new bus shelters and pedestrian amenities including lighting in accordance with Zona Cultural themes and materials. Summarized below are the various street closures with maps, and projected work efforts to date.
Know Before You Go Downtown! Plan ahead for traffic, detours and parking at this link: https://saspeakup.com/downtown
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SMALL BUSINESSES: https://www.sanantonio.gov/EDD/Programs-Grants/Paving-The-Way
If your business is currently or expected to experience construction in your area please visit the City of San Antonio's Construction Toolkit. This guide helps business owners understand and prepare for City-initiated construction projects.
Business Outreach Specialist: Gabby Tello, (210) 207-4688
Learn more about City projects in your neighborhood and across San Antonio. The City of San Antonio’s digital dashboards encompass a wide range of projects, including streets, drainage, parks, and facilities.
Current and Planned Work: Commerce (Frio to Santa Rosa)
- January 2022 thru March 2025: Commerce Street (Pecos to Frio) – Irrigation, landscaping, and illumination. Two lanes of westbound traffic are currently being provided, provisions will be in place to account for pedestrian traffic.
- April 2024 thru March 2025: Commerce Street (San Saba to Pecos North Side) – Paver installation at Pecos, irrigation, landscaping, and illumination. At least one lane of traffic (westbound) will be maintained at all times, provisions will be in place to account for pedestrian traffic.
- November 2023 thru March 2025: Commerce Street & Pecos Intersection – At present two lanes are available for southbound traffic through Commerce intersection.
- May 2024 thru April 2025: Commerce Street (Santa Rosa to San Saba North Side) – Installation of sidewalk and landscaping. At least one lane of traffic (westbound) will be maintained at all times, provisions will be in place to account for pedestrian traffic.
Current and Planned Work: San Saba (Nueva to Houston)
- October 2023 thru March 2025: San Saba (Nueva to Dolorosa) – Completion of illumination, sidewalks, final asphalt surface, and landscaping.
- May 2023 thru March 2025: San Saba Full Road Closure (Dolorosa to Commerce) – Installation of raised planters, landscaping, and site amenities. Provisions for pedestrian traffic maintained at all times.
- August 2024 thru March 2025*: San Saba (Commerce to Houston) - Utility adjustments, landscaping, illumination, pavers, and sidewalks.
Current and Planned Work: Santa Rosa (Cesar Chavez to Martin)
- October 2023 through April 2025: Santa Rosa (Cesar Chavez to Dolorosa) - Concrete pavement, sidewalks, driveways, pavers, signalization, illumination, and landscaping. Access to Public Safety Headquarters, Bill Millers, Federal Building, and Washington Square building shall be provided at all times.
- May 2024 thru April 2025*: Santa Rosa Full Road Closure (Commerce to Houston) – Roadway re-construction efforts, concrete pavement, illumination signalization and landscaping.
- May 2023 thru April 2025: Intersection of Santa Rosa and Commerce – Roadway re-construction efforts, concrete pavement, illumination signalization and landscaping. Provisions in place for access to businesses and pedestrian traffic.
- March 2024 thru March 2025*: Nueva at Santa Rosa Intersection – Completion of utility installation and adjustments, illumination, signalization, landscape, and amenities.
*Pending no significant archeological findings encountered
Zona Streets Overall Lane Closure and Detour Map
Zona Streets Lane Closure Table
Businesses remain open and accessible!
Project Presentation Documents