If your business is currently or expected to experience construction in your area please visit the City of San Antonio's Construction Toolkit. This guide helps business owners understand and prepare for City-initiated construction projects.

Business Outreach Specialist: Gabby Tello, 210-207-4688

Learn more about City projects in your neighborhood and across San Antonio. The City of San Antonio’s digital dashboards encompass a wide range of projects, including streets, drainage, parks, and facilities.


Construction Updates:

  • Starting as early as the week of March 3, 2025, tree grate installation will begin. During installation of tree grates on Broadway, crews will setup rolling lane closures along the outside traffic lanes. Crews will be offloading grate frames, anchoring into concrete, then setting the iron grates. Rolling lane closures will only be on one side of the roadway at a time, stretching no more than two blocks in distance. Northbound and southbound traffic lanes will be opened at all times. Side streets will have full traffic access
  • COSA punch list items are being worked on into March 2025
  • Completed: Roadway, paving, sidewalks, landscaping, pedestrian lighting, bike racks, trash cans, traffic and pedestrian signals, and SAWS punch list items.
  • The entire project corridor is open to vehicular traffic
  • Avenue B, McCullough, and N. Alamo bike lanes are completed
  • All work is weather permitting


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Businesses remain open and accessible!



Project Presentation Documents