The temporary closure of the Walker Ranch Park playground has been extended from January 21, 2025 through February 09, 2025. The playground will open Monday, February 10.


The Parks Department is approving a Public Works/General Contractor request to temporarily close the Walker Ranch playground for work as part of ongoing 2022 Bond Project.

This work is associated with installation of a shade structure at the playground. This upcoming temporary closure will be to install flatwork/sidewalk.


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Question title

* Project overseers have determined that improvements to Walker Ranch Park will include accessibility and pavement improvements to existing walking paths to the Outdoor Classroom (Item #2) and the informal Dirt Path from the Playground to the Loop Trail (Item #5) - see image in Documents Section for reference.

To help us determine additional improvements, please rank the following items in order of preference, with 1 being the highest and 4 being the lowest preference.

Survey will be closed to responses at the close of business on 8/14/2023

Playground Shading (Item #7) – an independent shade sail structure to provide shading for the existing playground area
Avg. Rank: 1.38
Other: Please let us know your thoughts of other proposed needs for the park not included in the current plan and priority rank
Avg. Rank: 2.00
Fitness Stations (Item #3) – to include an ADA accessible Concrete pad with outdoor exercise equipment, accent boulders and located to take advantage of existing tree canopy where feasible (final quantity to be determined within available budget and preference ranking.)
Avg. Rank: 2.25
Flagstone Pad for Picnic Tables and additional Seating (Item #6) – to be located near the existing playground as an additional gathering area opposite of the existing pavilion
Avg. Rank: 2.50
Closed to responses | 9 Responses

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Question title

Please share any feedback or questions about this project.