Événements de partenariat de la Semaine nationale de la santé publique
Événements de partenariat de la Semaine nationale de la santé publique
Chaque année, au cours de la première semaine d' avril , le district sanitaire métropolitain de la ville de San Antonio (Metro Health) célèbre l' anniversaire national Semaine de la santé publique . C’est le moment de reconnaître les contributions de la santé publique et de mettre en lumière les enjeux importants pour notre communauté. Le thème national de cette année est « Protéger, connecter et prospérer : nous sommes tous en santé publique », soulignant l'importance des relations et des collaborations pour atteindre les objectifs de santé publique .
NPHW Twitter Chat (X Chat)
We'll chat about all things public health, celebrate everything public health has accomplished and talk about where the movement is going. @SAMetroHealth #NPHWChat
Past Events
Síclovía is a free, annual event organized by the YMCA of Greater San Antonio that turns city streets into a safe place for exercise and play. Participants can enjoy walking, biking, exercise classes, activities for youth, treats for their pets, food trucks, plus Metro Health is hosting a vaccine clinic at 710 Augusta Street.
Proclamation Reading for National Public Health Week
During the Thursday, April 4th City Council meeting, the City of San Antonio will issue an official proclamation declaring April 1-7 as National Public Health Week.
Dean's Community Lecture Series
The City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (Metro Health), in partnership with the University of Texas at San Antonio’s (UTSA) College for Health, Community and Policy, will host the second annual Dean’s Lecture Series in honor of Dr. Fernando A. Guerra. This year’s theme is Public Health Journeys: Empowering Communities, Changing Lives. The panel will discuss the job market’s impact on public health departments across the nation, specifically in Texas municipalities. Panelists include:
- Moderator – Theresa de La Haya, Retired Sr. Vice President of Community Health / Clinical Preventative Programs, University Health
- Brian Castrucci – President & CEO, de Beaumont Foundation
- Lyssa Ochoa, CEO, SAVE Clinic
- Phil Beckett, CEO, C3HIE
More information about the lecture series is available on UTSA’s website.