Public Engagement and Outreach Subcommittee of the Housing Commission
Public Engagement and Outreach Subcommittee of the Housing Commission
In May, 2021, The San Antonio Housing Commission voted to have subcommittees formed to take on specific actions from the Housing Policy Framework (HPF) accepted by Council in 2018. On December 21, 2021, the Strategic Housing Implementation Plan (SHIP) was adopted and subcommittees shifted their efforts to support SHIP's initiatives, which include HPF's incomplete strategies. One of these subcommittees is the Public Engagement and Outreach Subcommittee.
The Public Engagement and Outreach Subcommittee is charged to efficiently engage the public through guidance, support, and oversight of Neighborhood and Housing Service department’s public engagement as it relates to policies developed in response to Housing Policy Framework and Strategic Housing Implementation Plan (SHIP). The subcommittee is seeking to give voice to parts of the community traditionally underrepresented but who make up a significant segment of the population including, but not limited to, those most impacted by housing insecurity.
- Assist staff with outreach to communities through Facebook, NextDoor, email, mailings, meetings, and block walking.
- Increase the number of public comments related to topics on the Housing Commission’s agendas
- Engage the media print and digital
- Draft statements for media/op-eds for Housing Commission to release
- Draft application for non-Commission members
- Invite comment on some issues from specific groups such as HOAs as appropriate
Upcoming Events
Public Engagement and Outreach Subcommittee of the Housing Commission - April 2025
Public Engagement and Outreach Subcommittee of the Housing Commission - May 2025
The Public Engagement and Outreach (PEO) Subcommittee of the Housing Commission meeting. The PEO is charged with efficiently engaging the public through guidance, support, and oversight of Neighborhood and Housing Service Department’s public engagement as it relates to policies developed in response to Housing Policy Framework and Strategic Housing Implementation Plan (SHIP). The subcommittee seeks to give voice to parts of the community traditionally underrepresented but who make up a significant segment of the population including, but not limited to, those most impacted by housing insecurity.
This meeting is open to the public and held virtually.
Meeting ID: 219 447 739 904
Passcode: jN9qf25z
Dial in by phone
+1 312-667-7136,,854349736# United States, Chicago
Phone conference ID: 854 349 736#
Past Events
Public Engagement and Outreach Subcommittee of the Housing Commission - March 2025
The Public Engagement and Outreach (PEO) Subcommittee of the Housing Commission meeting. The PEO is charged with efficiently engaging the public through guidance, support, and oversight of Neighborhood and Housing Service Department’s public engagement as it relates to policies developed in response to Housing Policy Framework and Strategic Housing Implementation Plan (SHIP). The subcommittee seeks to give voice to parts of the community traditionally underrepresented but who make up a significant segment of the population including, but not limited to, those most impacted by housing insecurity.
This meeting is open to the public and held virtually.
Meeting ID: 228 707 894 659
Passcode: vM68hG7D
Dial in by phone
951383883# United States, Chicago
Phone conference ID: 951 383 883#
Public Engagement and Outreach Subcommittee of the Housing Commission - February 2025
The Public Engagement and Outreach (PEO) Subcommittee of the Housing Commission meeting. The PEO is charged with efficiently engaging the public through guidance, support, and oversight of Neighborhood and Housing Service Department’s public engagement as it relates to policies developed in response to Housing Policy Framework and Strategic Housing Implementation Plan (SHIP). The subcommittee seeks to give voice to parts of the community traditionally underrepresented but who make up a significant segment of the population including, but not limited to, those most impacted by housing insecurity.
This meeting is open to the public and held virtually.
Meeting Topic
The Public Engagement and Outreach Subcommittee will discuss the Housing in San Antonio and the public information campaign.
Meeting ID: 293 625 416 223
Passcode: 783hu7rK
604761099# United States, Chicago
Phone conference ID: 604 761 099#
The Public Engagement and Outreach (PEO) Subcommittee of the Housing Commission meeting. The PEO is charged with efficiently engaging the public through guidance, support, and oversight of Neighborhood and Housing Service Department’s public engagement as it relates to policies developed in response to Housing Policy Framework and Strategic Housing Implementation Plan (SHIP). The subcommittee seeks to give voice to parts of the community traditionally underrepresented but who make up a significant segment of the population including, but not limited to, those most impacted by housing insecurity.
This meeting is open to the public and held virtually.
Meeting ID: 211 189 335 625
Passcode: Fj73nS7L
Dial in by phone
+1 312-667-7136,,534656753# United States, Chicago
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 534 656 753#