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Renters' Solutions Subcommittee of the Housing Commission

Renters' Solutions Subcommittee of the Housing Commission

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The subcommittee meets on the first Thursday of the month from 5:30 to 7:00 PM. Scroll to the bottom of this page to view meeting details and leave a public comment.

Subcommittee Background

On January 26, 2022, the Housing Commission formed the Renters’ Solutions Subcommittee (RSS) . The subcommittee consists of nine members: two Housing Commissioners, four renters, and three property owners / property managers. The Housing Commission voted to have Commissioners Nikki Johnson and Kristin Davila serve as the commissioner representatives co-chairing the RSS. The first cohort of appointees were voted into their positions on May 25th, 2022.

Subcommittee Charge

Advise the Housing Commission on renter-related issues including, but not limited to: Emergency rental assistance; tenants’ rights & legal Aid; education, outreach, & training; and legislative items.

Subcommittee Goals

(1) Make recommendations to Housing Commission on renter-related issues, (2) ensure renters have a voice on renter-related issues that are part of Commission conversations, and (3) encourage development of relationships and understanding between property managers and renters.

Important Resources

There are currently no upcoming meetings for this committee.

Past Events
