Question title

1. What matters MOST to you when you go to a City website? Please select 3 from the list.

I can find and complete my tasks quickly.
The site is visually appealing and professional.
The site works well on my phone or other devices.
I am able to recognize this is an official City of San Antonio government website.
Contact information is easy to find.
The information on the site is accurate and free of errors.
Loads quickly
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

2. How do you know you are on a City website? Check all that apply.

I recognize an official logo.
I recognize the colors and how it looks.
I recognize City services and Information.
I look for .gov in the web address.
I recognize City contact information (ex: phone number or email address).
I look for something that indicates it's an official city website.
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

3. What City websites do you visit the most?

You may list the topic, service or web address.

Closed for Comments

Question title

4. What do you MOSTLY come to the website to do? Please select one.

Comply with a process (pay a ticket, apply for permit, etc.)
Access or find information
Request services or benefits (grants, home assistance, programs)
Get more information about programs and activities.
Get information about City government (ex: Mayor, Council)
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

5. How many tasks do you usually get done during a single visit to the website?

At least 2 –3
More than 4
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

6a. Do you trust information on the City's website?

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

6b. Tell us more about your answer. (optional)

Closed for Comments

Question title

7. If English is not your primary language, how do you translate websites on your device of choice? Please select the best option for you.

I hope to find information in my language translated by a native speaker
My browser or device settings are set up to translate automatically.
Someone helps to translate the information for me
I look for an option to change the language shown.
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Survey Details

Open Date: February 21, 2023
Closed Date: April 21, 2023

Stage 1: Community Engagement

Tell the City of San Antonio what ideas you have to make our community a better place. Speak up by taking a quick survey on a variety of topics or meet up with us at upcoming events to learn more about City services and initiatives.

Contact Information

Mario Aguilar
Information Technology Services
[email protected]