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Conservation Advisory Board

Conservation Advisory Board

The Conservation Advisory Board (CAB) provides input and advice to staff and City Council regarding: the acquisition of sensitive land over the Edwards Aquifer and the appropriate development and stewardship of such land acquired, pursuant to the Parks Development and Expansion Venue Project (2000), and pursuant to the Edwards Aquifer Protection Venue Projects (2005, 2010, and 2015); and the stewardship and monitoring of conservation easements acquired under the Edwards Aquifer Protection Venue Project(s).

The CAB is composed of nine members from each of the following organizations: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; The Edwards Aquifer Authority; The San Antonio River Authority; The San Antonio Water System; The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board; The Economic Development Foundation; Medina County; Uvalde County; and the Director of the San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department. Serving two-year, concurrent terms, board members may be reappointed indefinitely so long as they remain eligible in a given category. 

Liaison: Phillip Covington – (210) 207-3003.

Apply for the Conservation Advisory Board here.

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